POM Applications Suite for Transmission System Analysis and Optimization
Physical and Operational Margins (POM) Suite is a comprehensive package for steady-state, transient, and small-signal analysis of the electric power system networks in planning and operations environments. It is intended for massive analyses, and, as such, offers parallel and multithreading calculations. The user can work with POM Suite through graphical user interface (GUI) or command-line interface (CLI).
POM Suite offers prebuilt activities as well as the capability to customize the analysis using scripting. Three scripting languages are available in POM Suite:
- Microsoft® VB.Net
- Python
- C#
POM Suite consists of the following tools:
- Main application, POM (Physical and Operational Margins)
- Add-on modules:
- OPM –Optimal Mitigation Measures
- BOR – Boundary of Operating Region
- PCM – Potential Cascading Modes
- ScriptHelper – POM-ScriptHelper
- TS – Transient Stability with FFS (Fast Fault Screening) and CCT (Critical Clearing Time)
- OPMTS – OPM Transient Stability
- PCMTS – PCM Transient Stability
- SA –Small Signal Analysis

POM Suite Capabilities:
- Massive AC contingency analysis:
- Extremely fast
- Robust solution engine
- Database output (Microsoft Access and SQLite)
- Handles extremely large contingency/fault lists:
- Millions of N-1-1, N-2 contingencies during one simulation run – AC contingency analysis
- Hundreds of thousands of faults during one simulation run
- Contingency screening for steady-state contingencies and faults
- Automated analysis of cascading outages
- Automatic remedial actions:
- Automatic optimal corrective actions to alleviate voltage violations, thermal violations, and steady-state stability violations
- Automatic optimal corrective actions to alleviate transient stability violations
- Automatic optimal preventive actions
- Modeling of complex user-defined Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) actions
- Voltage stability analysis with flexible scenario definitions
- Boundary-based solution
- Automatic ranking of future transmission expansion projects
- Multithreading built-in for massive computations
Use of POM Suite in Planning
- Automating and significantly expediting the studies to comply with NERC Standards, including:
- NERC TPL Standards Compliance (standard TPL-001-4 and new standard TPL-001-5)
- NERC CIP-014-2 Standard Compliance
- NERC FAC-014 Standard Compliance
- NERC PRC-023-4 (R6) Standard Compliance
- NERC MOD-001, 004, 006, 007, 008, MOD-028, 029 and 030
- Voltage stability analysis:
- Automated AC transfer/load pocket and contingency analyses with visualization
- Determines available transfer capability
- Determines interface flows
- Automatically builds PV-curves/QV-curves
- Reliability Analysis – Computing reliability indices
Use of POM Suite use in Operations
- Voltage stability analysis – Fast P-V/QV Curve Analysis
- Automated massive cascading analysis
- Outage coordination
- Power transfer analysis with visualization tool implemented for N-1, N-2, and N-k
- Emergency mitigation measure process – load shedding

Steady-state analysis
Steady-state analysis is based on fast AC analysis, which uses the full Newton-Raphson method to solve a nonlinear power flow model. The normal conditions (N-0) model and each (N-k) contingency are applied while simultaneously monitoring multiple constraints: voltage stability, thermal overload, voltage deviation, and voltage limit violations. These constraints can be monitored over the entire network or any portion thereof.
Some of the application features are:
- Load flow analysis
- Voltage stability analysis
- AC transfer simulation
- Massive AC contingency analysis (N-1, N-1-1 and N-2 analysis): analysis of planning events
- Prediction and prevention of cascading outages: analysis of extreme events
- Transmission system optimization: determining optimal remedial actions
- Computing secure operating region: a boundary-based solution
- Ranking future transmission expansion projects
Transient stability analysis
Transient stability analysis allows the user to compute transient stability limits during massive contingency analysis and includes:
- Traditional time-domain simulation
- Short circuit computation
- Fast Fault Screening of three-phase and unbalanced faults
- Automated critical clearing time calculation
Smart grid applications
POM Suite offers a smart solution for the transmission system, which includes:
- Utilizing PMU data for improved situational awareness of operators
- Improving the efficiency of the power grid by minimizing the system losses
- Improving the reliability of the transmission grid to facilitate the integration of renewable energy