V&R Energy is excited to invite you to 2024 POM/ROSE Users Group Meeting and Training!We look forward to seeing you...

POM Studio 2023 has been Released!
We are happy to announce the release of the new version POM Studio 2023! What’s New in POM Studio 2023...

DOE Award – “Reliable Protection for an Inverter-Based Resources Dominant Grid”
V&R Energy is excited to be a part of the team led by Con Edison on a recently awarded project...

2023 POM/ROSE UGM and Training is coming up on February 28!
Thank you to all our users who attended 2023 POM/ROSE Users Group Meeting and training! It was great to see...

Two papers co-authored by V&R Energy
Two papers co-authored by V&R Energy will be presented at CIGRE USNC Grid of the Future (GOTF) Symposium on November...

CIGRE USNC New VP of Marketing
CIGRE USNC is pleased to announce appointment of Marianna Vaiman, CEO of V&R Energy as Vice President of Marketing. Marianna...